My name is Arjana Blazic. I’m a teacher trainer, course designer and education technology consultant. I hold a Master of Education from the University of Zagreb. I’m a recipient of the 2014-2015 Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Award at Penn State University. I’m co-author of the Croatian National Curriculum for English Language Teaching and the Croatian National Curriculum for the Use of ICT as a Cross-Curricular Topic.  I have written articles about teaching and learning with technology, teacher professional development and building teacher capacity. I develop teaching and learning resources and teacher training opportunities that aim at scaling up innovative use of digital technologies in schools. I serve on the European Commission Expert group on Digital Education Content and on the European Digital Education Hub Squad for Explainable AI. I serve on the Advisory Board for  Driving K-12 Innovation and on the Steering Group for the  Digital Education Hackathon, an EIT initiative under European Commission’s Digital Education Action Plan. I was appointed Chair of the Programme Committee of the CARNET User Conference 2023.

I’m a lifelong learner with a strong passion for travel.